Archive for the ‘CUSTOMER SERVICE’ Category

Starbucks or Starf*ckd


a RANT from an upset New Yorker

also known as JDM

Oct 23rd 2010

I just have to share my recent gripes with you my friends! I think today was the 4th time in one week that I attempted to set a business lunch / meeting at a Starbucks for their great Coffee and well as WiFi usage while I eat/drink.

Normally I am very pleased with their service…but lately it has been extremely difficult to get a coffee in less than 20 minutes (that’s a long time in java world to wait for a cup of coffee!) and or a seat in the place.It used to be refreshing to walk in and smell the aroma of flavored coffee drinks and in 5 minutes be sitting comfortably enjoying my beverage of choice. Now it’s like playing hide and go seek.. alone!

The first occasion was the attempt close to home..the location by me fits all but 30 people in there ..standing .. and accomodates about 10 people who choose to sit and stay. I passed by and the people in there were occupying the WiFi and Seating, but weren’t even drinking coffee or eating anything so they basically were in there taking up space. That was the day I found out that Brooklyn (around my area) had nearly NO WiFi Cafe spots. I had to walk about 15 blocks out of my way to Dunkin Donuts the competitor!

Next time around was today, I go to Starbucks in Union Square inside of Barnes and Noble and there wasn’t one seat open. The line was halfway out to the book aisles. I leave and visit the Starbucks on 17th Street corner, again there was a massive line and very few seats available…HOWEVER.. I was in for a rude awakening. Seats don’t mean a goddamn thing unless there is an outlet to plug in your laptop!

I checked every crevice of that starbucks and there had to be one wall with outlets and on that wall 4 tables the size of end tables and 3 outlets on the wall. Of course the people sitting on that side were NOT sing laptops and were utterly offended when asked to switch places. So now ..being that I have anger management I take a walk to the Starbucks on the west side on 8th avenue and 16th and again no seats and people with no purchases taking up space.

I have come to the conclusion that no one pays for their own WiFi at home because they all sit in their Local Starbucks.

Either Starbucks is selling stuff that’s illegal in the US creating what looks like a line for cheese in the 80’s or people are that broke that they need the FREE WiFi and abuse the privilege making it rough for others to utilize all the perks of Starbucks. Whatever it is needs to be fixed… or people will get tired of that and become fans of the “next door coffee spots”